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 God is true, therefore if we need new wine we should say the truth and not fact.

New wine – New bottle

The foundation for every new wine is Christ

New wine doesn’t fit into old bottles

The way you think is who you are. Your thinking is a gateway to a new thing in your life.

Your perspective of

The foundation for every new wine is Christ

New wine doesn’t fit into old bottles

The way you think is who you are. Your thinking is a gateway to a new thing in your life.

Your perspective of your helper of destiny determines your reaction to such person… thinking of the past doesn’t guarantee New wine.

Doing things the same way and expecting a different result is foolishness.


Unknown said…
So, To have a new wine all begins with The change of mind,which lead to change
of character and right Attitude...
Thank u pastor...
I am indeed blessed with this word....

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