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Showing posts from June, 2020

Kingdom Lifestyle

Matthew 5:6 "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for Righteousness"   Why must we pursue Righteousness 1. Righteousness is an important part of kingdom lifestyle. Rom 14:17 The kingdom is built on righteousness. When righteousness is not constantly manifested,you're a loss. 1John 3:6-10 . Righteousness must be constantly manifested 1Pet. 2:24 2. Righteousness is needed for any effective personal communion and walk with God.  Ps. 34:17&19,1John 3:21&22,Ps. 37:23&25,Ps. 146:8 God loves the righteous, Prov 11:4,Heb 5:7&10 3. Righteousness exalts,sin disgraces Prov.14:32-34 4. Righteousness causes fruitfulness Ps. 92:12-14 . Righteousness causes fruitfulness without struggle, Matt. 3:14-17 .

Deliverance power in the blood of Jesus

Text: Obadiah 1vs.17 By: Pastor Mrs Olajimi It's a privilege to know there is power in the blood of Jesus,Heb 9vs.13 & 14. This knowledge enables you to walk tall. The blood of Jesus is powerful, 1 Pet 1 vs. 18-19. Jesus redeemed us with his precious blood,we redeem more than silver and gold and this blood is precious because it is without blemish. For Jesus to shed his precious blood for my redemption therefore depicts that I am precious. The blood of Jesus was shed for the remission of sin, Rom 3 vs. 25, Heb 9vs. 22, without the shedding of blood, there's no remission of sin. *The blood of Jesus justifies us from our sins and mistakes*. Rom 5vs. 9, Isah 29 vs. 45, Colossians 1vs. 14, Colossians 1vs. 20, Eph 1vs. 7. The blood of Jesus is our perfection,,Heb 9vs. 10-13. The blood of Jesus is alive, Leviticus 17vs. 11. *Consistent flow of the blood of Jesus makes us alive*.  Every part of Jesus body that blood gushed out Jesus represents powers to deliver us. 7 ways by which...